to know something about the Shambala preserve, any
of the animals in particular or something more personal
about Tippi Hedren, ask your questions here.
this section Tippi will post stories and answer visitor
questions. Send your email to asktippi@shambala.org
and if your question is selected we will post the
answer here. We are sorry but we are not able to answer
all emails personally.
was wondering if you could tell me what
kind of schooling you and your workers
had to do to start your Sanctuary. What
kind of things did you have to do first
to get started?
question, but a very involved one. By
the time we became The Shambala Preserve,
in 1983, under 501 3 (c) Roar Foundation.
We had had eleven years of experience
dealing with the rescued Exotic Feline.
all came about because of the film,
"ROAR". The film was made
to join many environmental organizations
in the late 60s and early 70s to create
awareness about the plight of the animals
in the wild, diminishing in numbers
due to the encroachment civilization,
sport hunting, and poaching, and the
outrageous situation of exotic felines
being bred in the U.S. to be sold as
plan was to have Hollywood acting lions
and tigers, etc., as our stars, and
a nine month shooting schedule. Because
of the instinctual dictates to fight
a cat it didn't know, the trainers laughed
at us saying this film couldn't be done.
They didn't want their cats hurt and
they did not want to be hurt. All of
them suggested we acquire our own animals
to do the film. That idea changed my
life forever.
first lion cub was a rescue. Soon we
had seven little lions, then two young
tigers, all of these animals born in
captivity right here in the U.S. to
be sold as pets. We became a very important
rescue facility to California Fish and
Game, and many other State Fish and
Game Departments who confiscated these
animals for various reasons. Some had
no permits; some were living in horrible
conditions, some, because the owners
couldn't handle the animal, some because
they had injured someone.
learned as we went along with information
and suggestions from animal trainers,
expert zoological veterinarians, and
federal, state, city, and county regulations.
Dealing one on one with the lions and
tigers taught us more than any book
could do. There are very few books that
give this kind of information and combine
face to face with these predators might
make you think quick what is the next
cost of providing sanctuary to these
Apex Predators is exorbitant. The amounts
of meat consumed, is unbelievable; averaging
500 lbs. a day. The state regulations
on size of compounds, basically, too
small and the price of 9 gauge fencing
constantly rising. This is a wonderful
thought to begin a "sanctuary",
but one needs to reserve on every level.
City, county, state, and federal requirements
to be permitted for these Apex Predators.
Knowledge of the animals, their needs;
food, habitat, are they loners, do they
live in families (prides). What are
the characteristics, their personality
traits? Each species has different and
unusual requirements.
Do you have a veterinarian who can and
will take care of these wild animals.
Do you have a financial plan to cover
A. Mother Nature can bring floods, fire,
hurricanes, etc.
B. You rescue more animals than you
can afford, Funding dries up, you can't
put in any more money. Henceforth, you
become part of the problem.
think long and hard about becoming a
sanctuary! Maybe this is more than you
wanted to know, and it's only the beginning.
you for asking this very important question,
there a cat (lion, tiger, Leopard, etc.)
that wakes up and roars sooner than another
and if so, why??
think what you do is wonderful. It makes
you even a more beautiful woman. I saw
your video on the Sea World incident and
cannot agree more.
of luck to you.
Todd Lackner
my name is spelled "Hedren",
and important tribute to each and every
one on the planet to have our names
spelled correctly.
question is a delight! Yes, we have
several lions and lionesses who have
very big voices. Over the period of
years, since 1972, we have heard many
dominate males who lead the chorus or
they (the lions) will all listen to,
join in the conversation, or make a
remark at some point. Right now Leo
leads the pride. Louis is a big contributor,
too, as well as Zoe lioness, who is
very vocal.
believe the roaring sessions deal with
dominance, it is always a conversation
going from lackadaisical to very heated,
from lying on their backs, to racing
around discussing the issue at hand.
all times it is a conversation; at all
times it is thrilling!!!
With Love for the Animals,
Tippi Hedren
saw your interview and tour of Shambala
on Pets. TV. Very nice
thanks for
sharing. How did you come up with the
"Shambala", and what does it
of us are thrilled that you liked the
tour of Shambala. It was provided by
Steve Whitmire, who is the voice of
Kermit the Frog, and has been on the
Roar Foundation Advisory Board since
the late 1980s.
word "Shambala" comes from
the ancient language, Sanskrit. The
meaning is: A meeting place of peace
and harmony for all beings, animal and
human" I think it's perfect and
I'm very grateful to the lady who suggested
it to me, after the founding of "The
Roar Foundation" came to fruition.
you Bob,
With Love or the Wild Ones
Tippi Hedren
Tippi, where did you film the movie "The
Birds? " Was it Los Angeles?
Corey Valencia
film, "The Birds" which has
a life of its own, was filmed on location
in the actual Bodega Bay, California.
We did all of the exteriors there, many
of the birds were trained there by the
masterful trainer, the late Ray Berwick.
Then we moved to Universal City where
the film was completed.
was an historic film in which to be
involved and I am fortunate to be involved
as my first film.
you Corey,
With Love for the Movies,
Tippi Hedren
very interested in writing a letter to
my congressman about not allowing breeding
of exotic animals in the U.S. After reflecting
on the day (that I visited), I have a
quick question. The tigers in your park
are in very small cages. Isn't there a
way to try to rehabilitate them back into
their natural habitat? The amount of money
spent on their food will, at one point
equal or even exceed the amount you need
to rehabilitate them and fly them back
to Asia, etc.
know you have a lot of rescues but the
cages seem so very small for them to stay
until the end of their lives. Have you
thought about putting them in some kind
of Safari style habitat (like San Diego
Safari Tour) which is a lot bigger and
is there even a way to make it safe enough?
truly am happy that you work so hard to
get bills through that protect these wonderful
animals. There need to be more people
like you in the world! Thank you for an
unforgettable day at Shambala.
you for writing. Your questions are
many, I will try to be brief, but I
am not good at that.
I hope you will contact your congressman
and senators about the bill I have co-authored,
"A Federal Ban on Breeding the
Exotic Feline for Personal Possession
and/or Financial Gain" sponsored
by Congressman Buck McKeon, and Congressman
Ed Perlmutter. The bill is at a standstill
at this time because of congress being
very busy and a problem with "the
circus" banning the breeding.
I'm wondering if you visited the right
place in your question about the "tigers
being in very small cages". Shambala
is known for the large expanses in which
our animals live! Yes, we have holding
areas where they are fed and while the
habitats are cleaned or checked by veterinarians,
but that's for no more than 45 minutes
and then they are back in their habitats.
Some of our guests complain they cannot
find the animal at times because the
enclosures are so large. They are not
in cages at The Shambala Preserve.
Can they be rehabilitated to their indigenous
No. Basically for two reasons - they
have not had a mom to teach and train
them to live in the wild. The lioness
spends several years teaching the cubs
how to hunt, protect the pride and the
perils of living in the "neighborhood"
The fact they have made a relationship
with humans, good or bad, puts them
in immediate harm as well as the human
who may come in contact with this animal.
It wouldn't last any length of time.
No human would take the chance of this
animal being "tame", and there
is no such animal in the Apex Predator
Unfortunately, the breeders of the tigers
mix the races because they don't care
as long as they get the cubs to sell.
The zoos call them mutts. I am trying
to stop the problem with the bills on
which I am working in Washington, D.C.
Meanwhile, because they are born in
captivity, and in point of fact, there
is nothing we can give a wild animal
in captivity that they need, we at Shambala
give these animals the best in life
we can. They are moved to different
habitats throughout the years, they
are given the best diets, best housing,
best human care and the best veterinary
are the first person who ever accused
us of placing the big cats in small
cages. All of the government agencies
applaud us, as well as animal organizations
for our large habitats. Believe me;
I am trying to find the solution to
stop the insanity of the exotic feline
being born in the U.S. for personal
you for writing - come back to see us
to look again.
love for the Wild Ones,
Tippi Hedren
my name is Megan Azevedo. I am 16 years
old and have been in love with big cats
all of my life. Today, February 21st,
I came across your preserve my father
and mother. We pulled over and were looking
at some of the cats from the fence line,
and listening to the lions communicate;
as we did this my father told me that
my grandfather watched one of your lion
cubs when you guys had to go out of state
to rescue a tiger. I don't know if you
remember him, his name was Tom. Anyway,
I thought that was really cool and wanted
to see if you guys ever did any volunteer
work. I know I am not 18, but I would
love to help out. I asked one of your
workers some questions; he was very nice
and told me that if I had any questions
I would like to ask you that I could email
the question to you. I would greatly appreciate
it if I was able to help out; like I said,
I love all big cats (especially tigers)
and one day hope to work with them to
better their lives like (you) do. I admire
you greatly for what you have done to
help out these magnificent animals. Please
reply and if you can, keep me informed
about the cats. I would love to hear what
you have to say about them.
you very much,
am very happy to hear from you. It is
always encouraging to know young people
care about animals and are interested
in the plight of them, domestic and
wild. The fact that you want to help
is vitally important to the survival
of the animals due to encroaching civilization
taking their lands, sport hunting which
has no valid reason to exist in this
day of enlightenment about the intelligence
of these animals of all species and
their places on this planet.
I will suggest that you contact us next
year when school starts. Our "Partners
In Education" Program is in
session on Tuesdays, by reservation
only, during the school year and your
teacher can bring your class to Shambala
to learn about the exotic feline. We
do not do school tours in the summer
because it gets so hot, the animals
are all doing what they do best; lying
under a tree or in their den boxes asleep.
"Only mad dogs and Englishmen stay
out in the noonday sun"
will look forward to meeting you in
the fall during one of the school education
tours. Then when you are 18 (it will
be here before you know it) you can
become a volunteer! There are many levels
of volunteering and you will find your
niche, with the help of our volunteer
coordinators, Janice Payne, Chris Link,
and Tina Ward.
check our website to find out what is
going on at Shambala - www.shambala.org
that's the best way to stay in touch.
you for writing to me - see you in the
love for the Wild Ones,
Tippi Hedren